Friday, July 3, 2009


On Tuesday 30/6 little Theophilus was diarrhea 2times. In the evening time he has minor fever, so before he sleep i gave him some fever medication. In the mid-night I on and off observe his temperature. Around 3am+(1 Jul) his temperature 37.7, so I wake him up for medication. He is good boy willing to drink the fever medicine and he continues sleep after this.

Wednesday little boy only diarrhea 1time and no fever. However Eliora vomiting at the night and have slight fever. In the mid-night i observe 2babies temperature. Usually fever will attach in the night or sleeping time. One 11pm+ her fever is up again 38.3 so immediately i serve her fever medication. Then through out the night fever is under control.

Thursday, I was tired and my stomach upset with last 2 night doing night shift to observe 2babies temperature. I have no appertize on my lunch and dinner. But I still force myself drinks a lot of juice to let me have energy on taking care my 2babies. Eliora was back from kinder garden, she tells me she was vomiting in the class and teacher. In the evening we having some soup, the soup not even finish Eliora was vomiting again. She make the kitchen dirty, I need to wash the kithcen floor. Our kitchen is open air kitchen, so i can use water and detergent to wash and rise with the water. We make the kitchen open air is easy for cleaning.

Friday, 2babies was in recovering from the vomiting and diarrhea. I also get better. Thanks God on healing again :D


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